Sunday, December 13, 2009
Mi trabajo de poesía, switching code & the last days of the semester.
Term papers, final exam note-cards and packing have recently taken over my desk, bed and car! I'm currently drafting a term paper trata de la transición entre los temas religiosos y amorosos con las obras de algunos poetas del siglo XVI. Sorry about the spanglish, it's much easier to explain it in Spanish than in English.
I guess language classes do that to you. I'm solid proof that the brain does cartwheels and back handsprings in code-switching. Sometimes I can't explain something in English so I'll say it in Spanish and vice versa.
Aside from school, I hope that everyone is enjoying the holidays. Sadly for me, I haven't done any Christmas shopping - but I did get a chance to see Domingo DeGrazia perform at Ala Moana's Centerstage! I'll do a small review of that, post photos and videos up as soon as I get a chance.